
We respect your right to privacy and treat any information you give us with care. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, share, store, or otherwise process information about you. We are committed to ensuring that the personal information you provide to us is used for the purpose for which it was collected and is kept secure.

Your personal information enables us to provide the products and services you have requested, and to enable us to improve those products and services by understanding your interests and preferences. By understanding what you like (and what you don't like) we can personalize your experience, show you relevant advertisements and improve your stay.

What information do we collect?

When you interact with our products and services, for example by browsing our website or booking a hotel room, we collect information about you and that particular interaction. Generally, this may include your personal information, i.e. personal information that allows you to be identified or that identifies you, for example:

  • Contact information and preferences
  • Information about the use of our hotels, and other services when you stay with us
  • Images of you in areas of our hotels covered by CCTV
  • Information about anyone you travel with or meet, if such information is provided to us, and
  • Information about the devices you use to interact with us.

Where you provide us with sensitive details, for example in relation to any requirements you may have regarding the accessibility of our hotels, we will only retain this information with your express permission. This information is stored securely with restricted access and is handled with the utmost respect for your privacy.

When you provide us with information about other people, you should ensure that you have their permission to do so or that you can speak on their behalf, for example, in the case of children.

When and how we collect your information

We collect the information you provide directly and indirectly when you interact with our products and services, even when you stay with us. This may include when you:

  • Book a room online, by email or by phone
  • Create, use or manage an online account
  • Visit our website or use our applications
  • Fill out our online forms or registration cards
  • Visit our hotels or use our services, such as room service or gym and spa facilities.
  • Interact with us in online forums, by email, text, phone or social media
  • Post comments on your stay or interaction with us
  • Complete our market studies/customer surveys
  • Enter contests or promotions.

Legal basis for the use of your information

All organizations need a legal reason for using your personal information, if they don't have one, they can't use it. There are a number of legal reasons that allow data to be processed. It is quite complicated, but here are the most relevant reasons you should know.

With your consent

There are some activities where we process personal information with your consent, for example, when we want to send you email marketing messages, we will first ask your permission and you can opt-out at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email or by updating your account preferences. The policy will indicate where we rely on the consent.